Ideal Law Office specialises in matters related to real estate law. We are also particularly specialised in the acquisition of real estate. In addition to advising property owners and investors on the transfer and management of property, Ideal Law Office has acquired extensive experience in negotiating and conducting various transactions such as property purchase and sale, leasing, real or personal rights. The client portfolio in the field of real estate includes many foreign and local investors.
Turkey is a country where more and more foreign nationals invest or live. As Ideal Law Office Firm, we provide consultancy services to foreigners for the resolution of various legal disputes in the country of which they are not citizens.
As Ideal Law Office, we provide legal counselling and advocacy services in the realisation and distribution of the assets transferred to the heirs as inheritance. With the death of the heir, the heirs of the heir will have the right to all active and passive assets of the heir, called the estate. Inheritance law is very comprehensive and allows for many transactions and lawsuits to be carried out in order to resolve disputes between heirs.