
Criminal law

İdeal Law Office > Criminal law

Ideal Law Office Firm provides consultancy services to its clients in all kinds of criminal charges, criminal complaints, prosecutions, investigations and other criminal cases against real and legal persons, and represents themselves in criminal courts as both the complainant and the suspect’s attorney.


As Ideal Law Office Firm, some of the services we can provide you in the field of Criminal Law are as follows:

1- Compensation cases due to false Imprisonment and Arrest

2- Objection to Decisions Regarding Non-Prosecution

3-Preparation of the complaint petition and its annexes

4-Being present during the taking of statements at the law enforcement and prosecutor’s office

5-Being the defense counsel of the accused and the attorney of the complainant in the Heavy Penal Courts

6-Being the defendant’s lawyer and the complainant’s attorney in Criminal Courts of First Instance

7-Being the defense counsel of the accused and the attorney of the complainant in the Criminal Courts of Peace

8-Objection to arrest decisions

9-Preparation of appeal and appeal petitions

10- Visiting prisoners and convicts in prison

11-Objection to protection measures such as capture, seizure, search and detention,

12- Applications for appeal, appeal and correction of the decision.

Contact us to solve your legal problems.