
Foreigners Law

İdeal Law Office > Foreigners Law

Turkey is a country where more and more foreign nationals invest or live day by day. As Ideal Law office Firm, we provide consultancy services to foreigners for the resolution of various legal disputes they are exposed to in the country of which they are not citizens.


As Ideal Law Office Firm, some of the services we can provide you in the field of Foreigners Law are as follows:

1-Required procedures for foreigners to buy real estate

2-Required procedures for foreigners to acquire real estate

3-Required procedures for citizenship application of the Republic of Turkey

4-Consultancy services for foreigners to establish a company and open a branch

5-Opening a bank account for foreigners

6-Required procedures for residence permit

7-Necessary procedures for work permit

8-Consultancy service for foreigners to invest

9-Necessary procedures for asylum request application

10-Decision of removal of the Deport and the code of Restriction of Foreign

11-Transactions related to inheritance of foreigners

12-Necessary procedures for foreigners to benefit from health and education services

13-Recognition and enforcement cases

Contact us to solve your legal problems.